Timothy Kundro

Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Kenan-Flagler Business School



I am an Assistant Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  I completed my Ph.D. in Management (Organizational Behavior) at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and my Bachelors of Science in Psychology at Penn State.  I previously served on the faculty at The University of Notre Dame. 

Research: My research focuses on the complexities of morality work, investigating how employees respond to and manage (im)moral situations in the workplace.  My work has been published in top management and psychology outlets. 

Consulting: I have worked with a number of public, private, and federal organizations, ranging from those on the Fortune 500 to regional utility plants. In addition to using state of the art research practices,  I have also developed a range of tools to assess topics such as motivation, engagement, turnover,  selection, diversity, and more. Please contact me for more information. 

In addition, I have served as an expert witness. My work has also been cited in state legislative hearings (see here).

Teaching: I teach courses in organizational behavior and ethics.  I have been recognized by Poets and Quants for my teaching.  I have also worked to develop cases with students, which can be found at the bottom of this webpage. 

Media: My work has been been featured in outlets such as  Forbes, NPR, Fast Company, ABC, HBR, Adam Grant's WorkLife and Think Again, and Slate (France)I have  written pieces for outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, Scientific American, and Ethical Systems.  I have been a guest on programs such as ABC and  BBC News' Business Matters radio. 

Other links:

CV: Click here

UNC Bio: Link

Google Scholar: Link

ResearchGate: Link


Kundro, T. G., Croitoru, N., & Helgason, B.A. (In Press). Moral or lawful? When legal constraints reverse the motivational benefits of moral considerations. Organization Science.  

Kundro, T. G., Neely, B., & Muir, C. (2024). Supervisor Integrity Empowers Employees to Advocate for Diversity in Problematic Climates. Journal of Applied Psychology. 

Kundro, T. G., Nurmohamed, S., Kakkar, H., & Affinito, S. (2023). Time and Punishment: Time Delays Exacerbate the Severity of Third-Party Punishment. Psychological Science.

Kundro, T.G.,* Belinda, C.,* Affinito, S.,* & Christian, M. (2023) Performance Pressure Amplifies the Effect of Evening Detachment on Next-Morning Shame: Downstream Consequences for Workday Cheating Behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology.

      *Denotes equal authorship

Kundro, T.G. (2023). The Benefits and Burdens of Work Moralization on Creativity. Academy of Management Journal.

Kundro, T.G. & Rothbard, N. (2023). Does Power Protect Female Moral Objectors? How and When Moral Objectors’ Gender, Power, and Use of Organizational Frames Influence Perceived Self-Control and Experienced Retaliation. Academy of Management Journal.

Carton, A., Knowlton, K., Coutifaris, C.,* Kundro, T.G.,* & Boyson., A. (2023). Painting a Clear Picture While Seeing the Big Picture: When and Why Leaders Overcome the Tradeoff Between Concreteness and Scale.  Academy of Management Journal.

*Denotes equal authorship

Kundro, T.G., Burke, V., Grandey, A.A., & Sayre, G.  (2022). A Perfect Storm: Customer Sexual Harassment as a Joint Function of Financial Dependence and Emotional Labor. Journal of Applied Psychology.

Nurmohamed, S., Kundro,  T.G., & Myers, C.  (2021).  Against the Odds: Underdog versus Favorite Narratives to Offset Prior Experiences of Discrimination. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.

Kundro, T.G. & Nurmohamed, S. (2021). Understanding When and Why Third Parties Punish Cover-Ups Less Severely. Academy of Management Journal.

Please email me if you would like a copy of any paper above.  Most are available on ResearchGate. 

Teaching and Cases

I am working with students to develop a series of cases that are open-access and free to use. As the cases are developed, I will add them below. If you use the case in your class or have any feedback, please let me know via email.

Uber Vs. Portland.  Designed and written by Collin Sclesky.

I use this case to introduce normative ethics. If you would like my teaching slides, please email me. 

Bountygate. Designed and written by Miles Wilkin.

I use this case to introduce in-group bias. If you would like my teaching slides, please email me.